Electronics Design

Week 6

Electronics Design


Redraw the echo hello-world board
Add (at least) a button and LED (with current-limiting resistor)
Check the design rules, make it, and test it
Extra credit: simulate its operation
Extra credit: measure its operation


I began this week assignment by following fabacademy fantastic tutorial, and it helped me a lot to understand Autodesk Eagle better. I just followed the instructions and everything worked fine.These are the steps i followed, that are described in the tutorial. I'll try not to duplicate the info, but will add my own conclusions:
Open the Sample project - just copy the zip file below to the eagle's project directory
Switch between schematic and board layout to get to know tghe interface - REINFORCE ALLERT - Never close one of them, otherwise you'll loose info.
Download and install libraries (download below the complete library for this assignment)
Edit the schematic (added the missing components Resistors, Button, Ground, VCC, connect pin 10 (PA3), LED)
Route the Traces on the Board (Done manually with carefull and precision to grant straight lines)
Export the Routes to PNG
Edit the routes in Photoshop

Editing Schematics

Editing board

Exporting traces

Editing Traces

Configuring origins and cuting in Vpanel

Milling the board

I will show later the soldering process and the finished board, because we are still waiting for the tiny45 to arrive, there was a stock rupture in mainly all the suppliers.

References - Fabacademy Eagle Tutorial online,

Eagle Echo hello library
Eagle base project
My Eagle finished project My hello board traces
My hello board cut