#01. Principles and Practices, Project Management

Learning curve

Building a site is something i've never done or dare to do before, i have had to deal with some sort of programming but never something like this. So far, it has been a very steep learning curve but the tutorials, videos and classmates are giving a hand at getting over the top.

Html and CSS

Logically i wasn't going to try to make the website from scratch so i went to search for one template i liked. Started with a simple one that ended up not being so simple with too many submenus, and the code for all was just too much. So i decided to search for a new one and i found this page that i believe that represents better my personal page.

After a week and a half still not quite there with the simbiose between hmtl and css but i'll get there. It will be a week that will extend throughout the course.

Other them the normal title in "h3" and the text in "p" i end up linking some words or images by using the "href="..."" between " just like the image below: Unfortunately i'm still having some problems with the the grid one the main page, i can't seem to find a solution for the squares to line up. Everytime the week topic uses two lines it won't let the next line of topics to be aligned with the top.
When i complete each week imput or change anything i use the Git Bash on Windows 10. Started by using GIT on Ubuntu but may main SO as allways been Windows so it was easier to get the Git for Windows 10. The process is still the same:

  1. cd ~/Desktop/FabAcademy/FabAcademyPortugal...
  2. git pull
  3. git add .
  4. git status
  5. git commit -m "just a smal comment"
  6. git push

Finding the idea

This wasn't the easiest task, my first instinct was to make a 3D printer for paste materials but after a while i realized that it wasn't going to be that challenging since there have been others who made something similar, so, i decided to change the idea a bit and though of a modular axis 3D printer, but once more i realized that is a well developed subject with a lot of diferent projects already made and i wouldn't had much more as well as it wouldn't give me much pleasure.
So, i came back to an idea i had before and already made. It was a gift i made for someone this last christmas but it was very simple and i couldn't developed much due to lack of time and experience, now i believe it's the right time for it and well end up being a very diverse project.