About me

Hey! My name is Inês, I'm 27 years old and I'm a vegetarian!



I did my degrees in Universidade da Beira Interior (Covilhã, Portugal)

My 1st Degree was in Industrial Design, and my Master Degree was in Industrial Engineering and Management.

During my colledge time, I learnd 3D modeling in softwares like Solidworks, Rhinoceros and a little bit Autodesk Inventor.

I aslo did some independent coursework and lectures like:

CATIA V5 Basic Training

Lecture/ Workshop Nanotechnology Lectures

Course "Composit Materials: from basic to nano"

Lecture/ Workshop "Metal Casting and Molding Method Chemistry"

And my favorite project was beeing part of Shell Eco-maratho Europe contest for 2 yeas (2013 and 2014) it was the most wonderfull experience! I got the opportunity of bluiding 2 diferent cars with my own hands! And ride another! And in 2014 I became team leader of the project!It was Awsome!


Fab Lab Aldeias do Xisto

Fab Lab as come into my life, has an internship opportunity and i couldn't ask for more!

There I had the opportunity to explore and develop my skills of 3D modeling and learn new possibilities in 2D design.

I learned how to work with Photoshop, Illustrator, 123D Maker.. how to work with 3D printers, Laser cutter and engraving machine and CNC router machine.

Got the opportunity of lecturing and suport Workshops about 3D modeling and vector design, collaborate with educational projects in schools, to Design and product development.

After my internship ended i got another job for like 6 months as an account manager assistant in a corporate clothing company but then i had the chance to come back working on Fab Lab and to do the Fab Academy and here i am!

Personal Interests

I don't like to spend too much time at home and because of that normally i spend my time doing outside activities like ridding my bike or being an environmental activist as a member of a group called Tribo da Estrela where we promote activities like collecting seeds, reforestation, collecting waste from the forest, awareness and environmental education and promoting healthy contact with nature.

During the free times i also like to read fantasy books, watching japanese anime movies, listen to music, mostly rock.

As a fab academy student I've accepted this chalenge due my previous experience at Fab Lab Aldeias do Xisto and because I like to make stuff and the digital frabrication allowed me to find new ways to explore usual materials in an unusual ways.