Week no. 16

Interface and Application Programing :

  • write an application that interfaces with an input &/or output device that you made,
    comparing as many tool options as possible


For this assignment, I thought about using a board that I had already made and that is working well,
so I chose the hello button of week 4. For the interface part I thought about
using processing, because I had already used it a few years ago and so I can remember it.

Before start doing anything I need to:
1. Install processing:
2. Read some examples and tutorials.

After doing this i choose one tutorial to follow: http://jeknowledge.github.io/academy-articles/interface-led-com-arduino-e-processing

And after doing this example i tryed to adapt it an make it my own. So i started designing my interface.

So, the goal is when you push on the red button on the screen, the LED on the board ligths up.


For the programing part I'll try to do my code in arduino following the same tutorial example.




