Week no. 3

Computer-Controlled Cutting

Group Assignment

For the group assignment each one of us draw some parts with diferent ways of pressfit and we've done some tests until they came out right. With this group assignment we had the opportunity to explore diferent ideas with each other and learn about laser kerf and cutting settings by testing them and with the help and background experiences of each menmber of the group. Then i pick the parts that i initialy draw and improve to do my press fit constriction kit.



My part of this projects were this two diferent pieces that cam be assembled individualy or has a group:

We tested the kerf and optimized the lasercutting with diferent parameters. 
Final Parameters : Speed:2.5 Power:95
KERF for 3mm plywood: 0.02mm 


For the vinylcutter i decided to do a decal for my laptop. To do that, first i searched for an image that i like from a japanete movie called My Neighbor Tororo and a citacion of the author of the movie Haiao Miyazaki.


In Illustrator i've transformed the image into a vector, and then i saved as a Japanese illustrator to open in the vinyl cutter software - Cut Studio.

Then i set the cutting parameters through the machine parameters and did my cut.




After the cut i did the cirurgical job of taking of the vinyl parts that don't make part of my drawing. The letters were really dificult to separate ( the guys told me, but i was stubborn).



Starting using the transfer process with vinyl transfer to finally do my laptop decal.

Press-fit Construction Kit

This week assignement was the design and making of a press-fit construction kit to build a 3d object from 2d pieces. I looked around and found some ideas on the web. I decided to try to build this

and used SolidWorks for the parametric drawing of each peace:

Then i did the cut, I used 3 mm thick plywood, i cutted a few pieces and tested
that the assembly was ok with 2.9 mm cuts. Then I repeated the cutting and assembled an object.

And i start to contructing. Fist an abstract shape made with the pieces of the construction kit.

And after a more organized pattern made with the pieces of the construction kit