About me

Toni Filipe Gonçalves Barreiros  (Alpedrinha, Portugal 1977)

I live in Fundão - Portugal, land of the best cherries in the World...

- Fundão City Hall
- Public sector: Department of Innovation and Investment 
- Licensing of architecture design projects; Civil code; Construction – legal framework; Accessibilities design plans; Building energetic performance; Urban planning

- Coordinator and manager of the Fab Lab Aldeias do Xisto - Fundão
- Coordinator and manager of the Cowork Fundão
- Coordinator and manager of the Business Incubation - Fundão
- Coordinator of the project New Center Business - Fundão

- Student of the Fab Academy program 2017   (http://www.fabacademy.org/)

- President of the Theater Association of Alpedrinha 
- Director of the Youth Organization Fun Jovem 
- Director of the Terras da Gardunha Association 

- Member of the city hall Alpedrinha
- Organization and Event Production


Curriculum Vitae