For the experiences in PCB manufacturing I used the FabTinyStar - another version of an AVR ISP programmer/board.
Several group experiments were made in the fab lab from the examples: Ali (microUSB) and Brian (USB).
Ali link
Brian link
We used a Hartpapier-Platte, cu, FR2 with 1.7mm thickness.
FR1 and FR copper sheets are made of paper and FR4 sheets are made of fiberglass. Type FR1 or FR2 are lowcost, more flexible and easily machined. Besides, they do not need a chemical bath.
The copper sheet was attached to the Carvey milling machine with double fix tape on the bottom, so as not to come loose from the base when the cut was started.
We used to export the image in svg.
Then the easel.inventables software was used to export to the Carvey milling machine.
First it is necessary to remove the copper around the electronic circuits. For this we use a tip of 0,4mm. In the software is set:
Cut parameter:
Depth: 0.1mm
Then it is necessary to cut the copper plate. For this we use a tip of 0,8mm. In the software is set:
Depth: 1,7 mm (cooper sheet thickness)
At the end the plates were cleaned and passed with steel wool to remove some imperfections.