Once you have the schematic well defined, you can click the "switch to board" icon on the eagle's top toolbar and the program automatically generates the components on a board and some yellow lines that are the driving lines between the components . As we can see in the figure.
Before proceeding to the next step of drawing the driving lines between the components, you must go to the "edit" menu and click on "net classes" to define the thickness of your lines, which should be 0,4mm
From there you can draw the circuit based on the yellow lines of the circuit.
To facilitate there is a tool that draws automatic lines.
I used this tool at first and I was changing my drawing until I got a correct 100% complete layout. This is a process that takes some time.
After having my board made, I exported the image from Eagle, and I used the illustrator program to extract the vector lines from the image of the board.
For this, I just click on "living trace" button and then make some adjustments to the lines drawing.
When the board design was finished, I save the file in svg format ready to go to the milling machine.